MDR Services

Our Managed Detection and Response Services provide continuous monitoring from a team who’ll neutralise any breaches at speed

Incident Response Services

Gain access to malware experts to quickly contain threats and reduce future exposure to attacks

Gartner Recognised

Integrity360 has been recognised as a Gartner Representative Vendor.

Download our MDR ebook

Many organisations are turning to managed service providers and MDR services. Find out why in our ebook.

The Reality of Ransomware: What you need to know in 2024

In 2024, the landscape of ransomware attacks will continue to evolve, drawing from past trends while adapting to new defences and technologies. 

How should organisations respond to a data breach?

In this blog we look at how an organisation should respond to a data breach.

Your guide to 2024: Trends and Predictions

Stay ahead of the latest cyber security industry developments, advancements and threats, and understand how you can best protect your organisation.

Choosing your cyber security framework

Learn about seven of the most popular cyber security frameworks being used by businesses around the world.

Red + Blue Team: How Purple Teaming enhances cyber security

Cyber security threats are growing more sophisticated by the day and organisations need to stay.

How attackers are using AI to supercharge cyber threats

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising industries, and cybercrime is no exception. Whi.

Integrity360 invests €8M in new Security Operations Centre in Dublin and creates 200 jobs

Integrity360 has invested €8 million in its new Security Operations Centre (SOC) in Dublin.

Advantio joins Integrity360

Advantio acquired by Integrity360 to expand European footprint and provide complementary cyber services capability.
alert-icon Under Attack?

Social Engineering

Metti la tua forza lavoro nelle condizioni di fronteggiare social engineering e minacce interne.


Gli specialisti di sicurezza presenti nei nostri SOC


SOC in Irlanda, Svezia, Bulgaria, Italia e Sudafrica

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Gli esperti di sicurezza informatica dedicati

Resta sempre un passo avanti con Integrity360

Con i criminali informatici che elaborano tecniche sempre più raffinate, noi facciamo in modo che il tuo team sia preparato, vigile e resiliente nei confronti degli schemi manipolativi del social engineering.

Le valutazioni del social engineering mimano le tattiche usate dai responsabili delle minacce per aiutare le aziende a capire se le loro attuali strategie di sicurezza informatica sono al passo con le ultime tecniche.

Sfrutta la potenza delle valutazioni Integrity360 di social engineering per ricalibrare, rafforzare e ammodernare la prima linea di difesa della tua organizzazione: la tua forza lavoro.

Vantaggi del test di social engineering

  • Test della sicurezza fisica delle sedi

  • Valutazione dell’efficacia della formazione sulla sensibilizzazione alla sicurezza

  • Preparazione a una gamma di attacchi inusuali

  • Miglioramento della security posture

  • Identificazione delle aree e del personale ad alto rischio

  • Valutazione degli strumenti usati per fermare il social engineering


Trasformare l’istinto umano da anello più debole ad anello più forte

Red Team Exercises

Red Team Exercises

Put your team's alertness to the test.

Penetration Testing

Penetration Testing

Put your defences through their paces

Configuration Build Review

Configuration Build Review

Stay updated on evolving social engineering threats.

Application Security Testing

Application Security Testing

Cloud Security Testing

Cloud Security Testing

Le nostre certificazioni





Parla con un esperto

Scopri come possiamo aiutarti ad aumentare la resilienza della tua sicurezza informatica – parla con un consulente per conoscere la soluzione giusta per te.

Group 519 Call us
Dublin: +353 01 293 4027

London: +44 20 3397 3414

Sofia: +359 2 491 0110

Stockholm: +46 8 514 832 00

Madrid: +34 910 767 092
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Accesso alle informazioni chiave

Get to Grips with Social Engineering in 2023

What is Physical Cyber Security? A Q&A with Integrity360’s Cyber Security Test Manager and Social Engineering Specialist Neil Gibb

Social engineering: Why cyber security isn’t only about the technology

Cyber Security Awareness Month 2023- Phishing and Social Engineering


Dublin, Ireland
+353 01 293 4027 

London, United Kingdom
+44 20 3397 3414

Sofia, Bulgaria
+359 2 491 0110

Stockholm, Sweden
+46 8 514 832 00

Madrid, Spain
+34 910 767 092

Kyiv, Ukraine

Naples, Italy

Vilnius, Lithuania

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